Being new is never easy and we want you to know that we are here for you.
Being new somewhere can be intimidating and uncomfortable, especially at a new church. At New Life we want to help ease your first visit with us. After all we do want you to come back. At New Life we know that you will find our church family friendly and caring.
Here is what you can expect when you come to New Life for a Sunday morning service.
Before the service begins you are welcomed to join us for free refreshments and snacks and to share in the morning conversation. This is our way of sharing our hospitality with you.
Dress - We have some people that come dressed in professional attire and some people that come more casual in jeans and tennis shoes. We believe that dress is not the main focus on why we gather and that God is more concerned with our hearts than how nice we are dressed. Although we do want to be modest in our dress.
Prayer - We believe in prayer and so we invite you to join us for prayer before the worship service starts. Prayer is a great way of preparing our hearts to meet with Jesus.
Worship Songs - We spend about 35-45 minutes in worship songs to our Lord. This is part of our expression of our love for Jesus. We are also a church that is lively and expressive in our worship and you will see people that lift their hands, kneel and even dance during the service. This is all a part of our expression of our love for our Savior Jesus Christ.
Children's Care - We offer childcare for infants and toddlers and Sunday School for ages 3-11 years. Children 12 and up are welcomed to stay in the main service.
Giving – As part of our expression of worship we have a time of giving financially. As a first time visitor you are not expected to give unless you so desire. We believe in giving back to God as He has given to us.
Teaching - The main part of our gathering is to learn about God through His word. You can always count on a true teaching of God's Word. We will spend about 40-50 minutes in our time of learning God's word together.
Ministry - At the end of every service we always have a time of prayer for anyone that needs it. We call this our time of altar ministry because we open up the end of the service for anyone that desires prayer.
The overall service will be about 2 hours total. For some people this may seem to be long but we believe that it is important for us to experience and gather all that we can together in Christ. We also do not have an evening service so that our members may spend time with their families, each other and enjoy the day together after worship.
If you should have any questions regarding New Life we would be glad to answer them for you and you can contact us directly for more information.
Be blessed!
Pastor D. & Juvy Shortridge - Senior Pastor New Life